Monday, August 2, 2010

Ready, Set, Action...or something like that :)

Dear Fans & Friends, 

As some of you know, at the end of this week, I am starting my very first music video & I am very very excited about it! :) I know many of you will be very curious as to what goes on, what goes wrong, and the plain old silly things that happen while on set! So here I am creating this blog for you so you can follow me through 3 days of adventure, excitement, learning, & what a wonderful interesting experience this is going to be! I cannot tell you how much I appreciate everyones support! The loving and encouraging comments & words mean the world to me & I couldn't do what I love to do (music) with out all of you! So thank you, & thank you a million times more! You play such an important role in my career and I want to give you back as much as I can; so even in this little blog I hope you find smiles, cheer, laughter & see a bit into my life & who I am! 

With Love, 

Hannah Michelle Weeks 

p.s. follow your dreams. 

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