Friday, January 14, 2011

Fresh Tips for the Fellas

We know that you have used a shaver in between your woolly eyebrows to get rid of that unibrow or instead that you have snuck into your mom or sisters bathroom to steal her tweezers. We know that sometimes you do an armpit sniff check to see if you need deodorant and that when you don't think you smell anything, you decided that thats good enough and you smell fine. We also know thats how you separate your clean and dirty laundry.
Us girls know a few little secrets about your game, so I am here to give you guys a few tips on having smooth style so you don't chase her away with your "no-need-to-take-the-extra-second-to-put-on-deodorant-i'll-spray-cologne-over-it-instead" unique smell.  
First off, cologne can be a mans best friend. Girls like flowers, right? But have you ever thought about why they love flowers so much? Not only do flowers come in all sorts of pretty colors, but they also smell amazing. It's a fact that girls love great smells. And if you make sure to put on an extra squirt of cologne before you step out the door for a hot date, you just might have that girl falling for you as soon as you wrap your muscular arms around her and give her a hug, just one deep inhale in and she could be head over heals for you. One of my favorite colognes for men is Chrome by Loris Azzaro. Trust me, a little bit of extra effort can go a long way.
Before a girl makes up her mind about whether you are kissable or not, she will most likely, absolutely, examine your lips. Guys, this means if your lips are chapped, if you have bad breath, or have food from dinner earlier stuck in your teeth, a girl probably, definitely wont want to kiss you. So what this means is, you need to buy some chap stick, (yes there are manly kinds) take a breath mint and make sure you floss your teeth. Every detail matters, and so does the kiss at the end of the night. I think many of you would agree with me on this. 
When it comes to clothing, just be yourself. Never try to impress a girl by trying to be somebody that you are not, girls have a very good sense on wether you are being authentic and genuine or being a fraud. Just make sure you don't wear high-waters or sandals with socks on a first date. 
Do something different. Every one goes to the movie theater for their first date but if you really want to steal a girls heart away do something different. For example, take her to your favorite beach right before the sun is setting . Do some investigating before hand and find out what kind of music she likes and her favorite candy or dessert. Load up your ipod with some of her favorite songs and turn them on in the car on the way. Also, when you get to your destination surprise her with her favorite candy or treat. This will show her that you truly care about her and the little things that she enjoys. This will be a date that she will always remember. Forever. 
Last but definitely not least, be honest. If she's beautiful, then tell her that she is beautiful. If you love her, then tell her that you love her. And if you don't, have the respect to let her go. We don't always expect you to have the best style of clothes or have the best smelling armpits, but what we do expect, is that you put your best effort into loving us even if the shirt your wearing has been dirty for 6 days and you were in a hurry so you just threw it on anyways. 


Alexander Marshman said...

I've never used a razor to get rid of my unibrow..... ;) ok... maybe once...

Unknown said...

I've never stolen my mom or my sister's tweezers. I have my own. ;) This was flippin amazing Hannah!!! I'll definitely use these tips so that I can snag a girl, then we'll FINALLY be able to have that double date!!! :D I look forward to more blogs.
